Animules Page

This is the page dedicated to our animules. These are the non-human things that keep us up at night, make messes for us to clean, and generally don't like to listen to us, despite the fact that we feed and water them. Not necessarily the smartest animals in the world, but companions all the same.....sometimes I think plants may be better to have, but I tend to kill those too quickly. I originally didn't want a dog or a cat because I was never home between work, the band, and riding the bikes. Vicki wanted one, so, after several weeks, I told her she could get one. Something I may end up regretting. LOL

The first pet that Vicki and I got was Emma. She's a "Pound Puppy", as we got her at the Greenville County Humane Society. I left it up to Vicki to choose the dog she wanted, and she chose this German Shepherd. I think it was mainly because she was the dog that I liked the most out of the 50+ dogs at the shelter. When we got her, she was just about nothing but skin and bones and her coat was dull, but she's filled out nicely and her coat shines, again. We named her "Emma" because of this name being a strong German name, but didn't realize until a few days later that she shares the same name as Rachael and Ross's daughter on the TV sitcom "Friends". Had we thought about that sooner, we probably would have named her differently. Emma's camera shy, so this isn't a very good picture of her.



Five days after getting Emma, our next animule to get was "Zuki", short for "Suzuki". We gave him the middle name "Velcro" because he would constantly knead and cling to you. There is a road, a short-cut that I used to take to Pickens, but the road is blocked off because the county is going to replace the old bridge that goes over the train tracks. Vicki and I decided to go down the mile-long section of road near the rock quarry, since Vicki had never been down that section of road before. We wound up coming across three little kittens, dumped on the side of the road. Zuki was the only one to let me catch him, and once I had him, I looked at Vicki and asked her if she wanted a cat. She just shrugged her shoulders, so I put Zuki in her lap. The relationship between her and Zuki is one that only a woman can understand. Here's a picture of Zuki within the first week of catching him.



It is absolutely amazing how well these two get along, and they HAVE to since they both live in the house. They will play with each other all day long, if you let them. Neither has even been injured, and Emma has yet to be scratched. If one of them gets a little too rough, the other will make a noise as though they are hurting, and the other will stop, dead in its tracks, until it is let known that all is ok. They are really funny to watch, sometimes. Here's a picture, with far too bright of a background, of the two of them eating and drinking out of the same bowls at the same time.


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